Capable People | Standouts

Highlights for YFS in 2014-15 included the launch of

new YFS programs:


NDIS Get Ready to provide information for people with a disability and their carers to help them make the most of the new system


SHIFT to support young people manage substance use, in conjunction with Mater Health Services


Intensive Family Support

to work with families at risk of

involvement in the child

safety system


YouthLink to work with

young people, incorporating

the former ReSolv program.


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We also commenced evaluations of several programs to improve their effectiveness, including

Step by Step Family support,

Responsible Men DFV group program,

The Club group program and our

Information, Referral and

Assessment Service (IRAS).

YFS is funded by the Australian Government and the Queensland Government.

YFS acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are

Australia's First Peoples and the traditional owners and custodians of the

land on which we meet and work.


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