Active People | Services in a nutshell

Community Connections & Social Links

Community Connections works with people with disabilities to help them choose the way they live, the way they work and the way they learn. We provide them the chance of participating in social and educational activities, ranging from Friday night social events to an animal care group.


Social Links offers group activities, events and outings in a community setting, from bingo to bowling to bushwalking.


Social Enterprises


We help people make the most of their time and their future career.  At Substation33, they learn how to operate in a work environment and gain skills in running a business that recycles electronic waste.


Workcrew, another enterprise, offers a supportive work environment for jobseekers to learn practical skills like mowing and removals, and how to work in a team.



Communities for Children


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The Club is a group program YFS offers in primary schools to help vulnerable children improve their social interactions and behaviour so they can engage fully in school life.


The program aims to give children the tools they need to succeed at school so they can complete their education.


YFS is funded by the Australian Government and the Queensland Government.

YFS acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are

Australia's First Peoples and the traditional owners and custodians of the

land on which we meet and work.


  Copyright © 2015  YFS Ltd  ACN 167 122 527  AS/NZS ISO 9001/14001