Active People | Mark

Mark is 46 years old. He is confident and optimistic. He has learning difficulties and a back problem which hasn’t stopped him from doing what

he always wanted to do:

help other people.


Unemployed for three years, Mark came across Substation33, YFS’ social enterprise, while looking for a job that would be close to his house.


“I had a job in cardboard recycling for 11 years, but it finished. When I came down here, they said I could have a look around and see if I like it. I’ve been here ever since. I come in three days a week."


"I was paid at my other job but in here I volunteer. I’ve heard there’s probably paid work coming but I prefer just to work. It’s easy to do volunteer work.”


It’s been almost three years since Mark decided to volunteer at Substation33. Every day, he works disassembling printers, fans, mobile phones or any other electronic device that would come through the door.


“In here, I’ve learnt a lot to get along with people as well; and be more helpful. I think Substation33 is doing a good thing in the community because it’s taking away all the stuff that would normally be dumped in landfill and getting people to bring it here to be recycled."


"I wanted to volunteer to try and help other people; let them know you can always make it out there. It’s more or less saying: I’ve been there, I’ve had problems myself, but I’ve made it.”


Mark considers himself lucky being able to do his job. Working among peers at Substation33 has also given him the opportunity to gain practical experience and develop life skills of team working and communication through the experience of volunteering.


Mark has never left home. He still lives with his mother. He likes everything technology related and would like to learn more about it.


“I’ve probably achieved all I wanted to achieve. I thought I wasn’t clever enough that’s why I didn’t study, but I’m pretty clever in the work I do here. I feel good after volunteering my time. You can call it satisfaction."




YFS is funded by the Australian Government and the Queensland Government.

YFS acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are

Australia's First Peoples and the traditional owners and custodians of the

land on which we meet and work.


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